quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Crash (em inglês)

What's happening is that sometimes I feel the world crashing on my head. The truth is we're so ignorant with our own disasters.
How can we fix the world if there's something wrong with ourselves?
I see people doing magic things.
I see people doing freaking bad things.
I see them killing themselves, killing each other... I see them with the though that everything will be better when a certain kind of their own race will be eliminated.

How about, sometimes, think about something different. Think about yourself.
Who are you?
So, if you're human, what makes you have the 'power' to take off other's life? It might not be by killing, literally. People are dying slowly. Have you ever thought about the power of the world, what we can do with what we say, write, sing... however we express ourselves; actions creates reactions. It's so obvious!

Today, my focus is about how powerful words can be.
When a father say to his daughter: No, you're unable to be what you want. It's not just some words.
When a friend say to the other: I'll always be there to help you, on whatever you'll be needing. Again, just words?
When a singer screams the mic: "All I want is you!", and so a teenager boy whispers near his girl ear: "All I want is you..."
When you have a dream, it's so hard, but you still believe. So you turn on the TV: Death, Disaster, Lies...

I've been wondering these days, we're always in this 'back to the past'. How many mistakes were made a hundred years ago and they are still there, stuck on repeat?

How many artists tried to say the same thing? Travel by the time... You'll see nothing has changed. Humans still humans, and nothing more. No evolution. Oh, technology? How about if I ask you about how to change the world, would you tell me something really useful? Would you have arguments? Do you think about something when you see misery, when you see people dying, screaming for FOOD, for HEALTH? Oh please. Technology is advanced and human's race still the same.

Please, please. Use your brain for something more than talk shit, gossip about the others... think about yourself not as statue, but as human, being rational. Unless… you just want to be an animal: born, hunt, food, sex, procreation, food, more sex… death. Go to the jungle then, even Tarzan was more intelligent than this.

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